

New students should submit their passports to Foreign Students Office to consult the application procedure.

Enrolled students who want to renew their visa should go through the following procedures 7 days before the end of their visa.
所需材料 Required documents for visa application:
  1. 护照 / Passport

  2. 照片一张 / 1 photo

  3. 体检表(18岁以上)请参考说明1 / Physical Examination Record for Foreigners(over 18 years old, refer to Illustration 1)

  4. 派出所住宿登记表(校外居住者)请参考说明2 / Accommodation Registration Form for Foreign Nationals(for students live off-campus, please refer to Illustration 2)

  5. 使馆认证的亲属关系证明(有家属者)/ Certificate of Family Relationship notarized by Chinese Embassy(if family members come together)

  6. 照片回执单 请参考说明4 / Photo page receipt(refer to Illustration 4)

  7. 银行支付卡(余额须400元)/ Pay fees by bank card (about 400 RMB)


Illustration 1 Apply for physical examination at Yanbian Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau

  1. 地址:金达莱广场 西北侧 延河小学 西侧
    Address: Northwest side of Jindalai Plaza, west side of Yanhe Primary School

  2. 体检入口(办公楼东侧)体检费406元

  3. 说明:体检时请携带护照,体检费345元人民币;体检后第二天出结果
    PS. Please take passport and examination fee of 406RMB and the result will be ready the next day.


Illustration2 Apply for Accommodation Registration Form for Foreign Nationals at local police station (for students living off campus)

所需材料 Required documents for accommodation registration

  1. 本人护照-原件 / Passport

  2. 房主身份证和户口本-复印件 / Copies of ID card and household registration book of landlord

  3. 房照或购房合同-复印件 / Copies of house ownership certificate or house purchase contract

  4. 租房合同书-复印件 / Copy of house-renting contract

说明三、学生准备好所需材料中的 1~3、校外居住者提交 4、有家属者提交 5 材料 提交到留学生办公室申请签证延期

Illustration 1 Apply for physical examination at Yanbian Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau

  1. 提交后3个工作日后,学生到留学生办公室领取有关材料,自己办理签证手续。

  2. Illustration3 Students should submit all the above-mentioned required documents for visa application to Foreign Students Office. 3 working days after submission, students should go to Foreign Students Office ask for the remaining documents for renewing visa and go through all the procedures by themselves

说明四、延吉市政务服务中心(5楼)申请签证延期 201 年 月 日 前办理,办理流程如下

Illustration4 Apply for visa renewal at Yanji Government Affairs Service Center (5th floor), apply before 201 year month day

  1. 地址:河南街 延吉市政府 北侧 政务服务中心(5层)
    Address: 5th floor, Government Affairs Service Center, North of Yanji Municipal Government, Henan Street

  2. 受理时间 Working Hours:上午 AM 08:00~11:00: 下午 PM 13:30~16:00

5层西侧,左侧 缴纳10元,开票
Go to 5th floor, west side to pay 10 RMB and get receipt.

5层西侧,左侧 拿发票办理回执单
Apply for the photo page receipt with 10 RMB receipt

  1. 领取取护照领取单 Get passport claim ticket

  2. 按照护照领取单上的指定日期到507-508领取护照 Regain passport on the date shown in the claim ticket to counter 507 or 508

  3. 确认签证信息 Confirm the visa information

回执单和学校材料提交到507或508窗口申请签证手续 刷卡缴纳400元
Submit all the visa renewal documents with photo page receipt to Counter 507 or 508 to apply and pay application fee 400 RMB by bank card